20th Century
The Chilling Prophecies of Baba Vanga (The Blind Prophetess)
Dubbed the female Nostrodamus, Baba Vanga has seen the future and foretold the fates that will befall the world. Many have already happened. Many more chilling, fascinating are awaiting fruition.
This humble woman was born in Macedonia. She was a premature baby who suffered with numerous health issues. When she was a young girl, her mother died while her father was fighting for the Bulgarian army during World War II.
Mostly raised by a neighbor, she loved playing games about healing and from there her passion was born.
Vanga managed to cheat death several times. One day, a tornado struck and poor Vanga was seized by the turbulent winds and hurled into a field. When she was found, she was in extreme pain. Her eyes were covered in dirt and dust and she could not open them. Attempts to heal her failed and Vanda became blind. In 1939 she caught pleurisy and everyone was certain she would die. Instead, she healed very quickly.
Despite the fact she was blind, Vanga could see into the future and her predictions were more often then not, highly accurate. Word spread of her ability and many came to see her seeking answers for missing relatives in the aftermath of World War II. Before long, her predications became famous, as did she.
Vanga even dreamed of her own death. She predicted she would die on August 11, 1996 and would be buried two days later. And this in fact came true. She died of breast cancer and was buried on the exact dates she predicted. Humble and poor all her life, great dignitaries and large crowds attended her funeral.
Like those of Nostrodamus, her predictions have been recorded.
Here are some of her predictions that have come true already:
In the 1950's, she foresaw global warming and the 2004 Tsunami.
“Cold regions will become warm … and volcanoes will awaken. A huge wave will cover a big coast covered with people and towns, and everything will disappear beneath the water.”
“Everything will melt, just like ice.”
In 1989 she predicted the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on New York’s Twin Towers: "Horror, horror! The American brethren (twin towers)will fall after being attacked by the steel birds (hijacked passenger planes). The wolves will be howling in a bush (US president George Bush) and innocent blood will gush.”
In 1980 she predicted the sinking of Russian nuclear submarine the Kursk in 2000. She saw the crew die horrible deaths over several days while international rescue crews tried in vain to retrieve the vessel from the depths of the ocean. Until the tragedy, people assumed the “Kursk” Vanga referred to was the Russian city the Kursk was named for. Her exact predication was: "At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it.”
Vanga predicated the election of Barack Obama, stating that the 44th president of the United States would be African American, but she also warned that he would be the “last US president”. Only time will tell what that truly means.
Here is a more complete list of the many predictions to come. Chilling, fascinating, and truly amazing!
2010 – World War III. War will begin in November 2010 and end in
October 2014. Will begin as usual, then nuclear will be used initially, and
then chemical weapons.
2011 – As a result of the fallout of nuclear fallout in the
northern hemisphere, there will not be any animals or vegetation. Then Muslims
will wage war against chemical surviving Europeans.
2014 – Most people will suffer skin cancer and other skin
diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
2016 –Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent “almost empty”. Europe almost lonely (empty).
2016 –Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent “almost empty”. Europe almost lonely (empty).
2018 – New China becomes a world power. Developing countries in
turn will be operated from exploiters.
2023 – A little bit of change in the Earth’s orbit.
2025 – The population of
Europe will reach almost zero. Europe
still little settled.
2028 – A new energy source will be created (probably a
controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. A
manned spacecraft is successfully launched to Venus in order to find new energy
2033 – The polar ice are melting. World
water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt (this is already happening).
2043 – The world economy is thriving. In Europe, Muslims rule. Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate is complete.
Rome is named the capital. The world’s economy thrives under Muslim rule.
2046 – Bodies (organs) can be manufactured (cloning?). Replacing
the bodies is becoming one of the best methods of treatment.
2066 – During the attack on the Muslim Rome, the United States
used a new kind of weapon – the climate. The sharp cooling (instant freezing). America will use a new climate change weapon for the first
time in a bid to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.
2076 – Classless Society - Communism will return to Europe and
the rest of the world.
2084 – The restoration of nature. It will be reborn
2088 – A new disease – aging for a few seconds!
2097 – The rapid aging defeated.
2100 – Artificial sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth. Man-made sun illuminates the dark side of the planet (This is
already in place - beginning in 2008, scientists have been working on creating
an artificial sun using nuclear fusion technology).
2111 – People become living robots.
2123 – The war between small nations. Big nations do not
2125 – Hungary will receive signals from space.
2130 – Colony under water (with the help of sympathetic councils
or aliens).
2164 – Animals turn half-human.
2167 – A new religion.
2170 – Major global drought.
2183 – A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power, and demands
independence from the Earth (like when – the United States from England).
2187 – Two major volcanoes will be successfully stopped from
2195 – Sea Colony fully developed, abundant energy and food.
2196 – Complete mixing of Asians and Europeans.
2201 – Temperatures drop as
the sun’s thermonuclear processes slow down.
2221 – In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes
into contact with something terrible.
2256 – Spacecraft forgotten to Earth brings a terrible new
2262 – Planets gradually change their planetary orbit. Mars is
threatened by comets.
2271 – Restart physical constants are changed. (Laws of physics
2273 – Mixing yellow, white and black races. New race.
2279 – Power from nothing (probably from a vacuum or a black
2288 – Travel back in time (Time Travel invented?). New contacts
with aliens.
2291 – The sun cools. Attempts were being made to light it
2296 – Powerful eruption on the Sun will change the force of
gravity. Beginning to fall old space stations and satellites.
2299 – In France, guerrilla movement against Islam.
2302 – New important laws and secrets of the universe revealed.
2304 – Secrets of the Moon revealed.
2341 – Something terrible will approach Earth from space.
2354 – An accident on one of
the artificial suns will result in more drought.
2371 – The great famine.
2378 – A new fast-growing race.
2480 – Two artificial suns will collide and leave the earth in
the dark / twilight.
3005 - There will be a war on Mars. It will change/violate the
trajectory of the planet.
3010 – A comet will hit Moon. A ring / zone of stones and dust
will encircle the earth.
3797 – By this time on Earth killed all life, but mankind will
be advanced enough and able to lay the foundations for a new life in another
stellar system.
3803 – A new planet is populated by little. Fewer contacts
between people. Climate new planet affects the organisms of people – they
3805 – The war between humans for resources. More than half of
people dying out.
3815 – The war is over.
3854 – The development of civilization virtually stops. People
live flocks as beasts.
3871 – New prophet tells people about moral values, religion.
3874 – New prophet receives support from all segments of the
population. Organized a new church.
3878 – along with the Church to re-train new people forgotten
4302 – New cities are growing in the world. New Church
encourages the development of new technology and science.
4302 – The development of science. Scientists discovered in the
overall impact of all diseases in organism behavior.
4304 – Found a way to win any disease.
4308 – Due to mutation people at last beginning to use their
brains more than 34%. Completely lost the notion of evil and hatred.
4509 – Getting to Know God. The man has finally been reached
such a level of development that can communicate with God.
4599 – People achieve immortality.
4674 – The development of civilization has reached its peak. The
number of people living on different planets is about 340 billion. Assimilation
begins with aliens.
5076 – A boundary universe. With it, no one knows.
5078 – The decision to leave the boundaries of the universe.
While about 40 percent of the population is against it.
5079 – End of the World.
Fascinating! Here are some Youtube videos I found
of Baba Vanda sharing some of her incredible stories. Enjoy!
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