Ancient History
Beauty Secrets of the Ancient Egyptians
Find out body and hair care secrets
the ancient Egyptians used!
In ancient
times in no other country like Egypt, was the concern with body and hair care
so extensive. Cleopatra VII wrote a book of beauty secrets, because she was a
master of this art. Even today eye makeup styles based on the ancient Egyptian
technique are still popular.
Body care
Body care
was a common daily ritual. The ancient Egyptians used body scents for
fumigation and flavouring of the body. Women and men also used body oils. They
provided skin protection and moisturizing effect in a hot climate. They worried
about weight gain and hair loss. The ancient manuscript is entitled «How to
Make the Old Young». Such a book could be a best-seller today.
Hair Care
As we know,
many of the ancient Egyptians wore wigs. It was aimed not only to create a look of
beautiful hair, but also to protect people from the heat of the sun. Their own
hair was often dyed with henna and braided. They liked to adorn it with lotus
flowers, gold tubes, ribbons, petals and berries. Researchers have discovered
that people used over 20 aromatic oils not only for body but also for hair
Make up
Both men and
women wore makeup to be more attractive. Their makeup techniques made the
natural beauty of the face more expressive. They mixed different ingredients
with fats and waxes to make the cosmetics. The egyptians colored the lashes,
brows and applied eyeshadow around the eyes. They used different pigments such
as malachite to outline the eyes, galena or lead sulfide so-called kohl as the
eyeliner, the spice saffron as the eyeshadow. Red ochre and wine helped to add
color to lips and cheeks.
So, we can copy a lot from the ancient Egyptians. First of all, their regular
application of natural oils for body and hair care.
This is a guest post from Viki Howell. More tips for your beauty here
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