What were some of the strangest - and sometimes most dangerous - fashion trends that women have followed through history?
Here's a brief look.
One of the memorable moments of Gone with the Wind was watching Scarlett and the other southern belles flaunting themselves in enormous hoop skirts. Hoop skirts have been variously fashionable throughout history; in Scarlett's day, the hoops were actually a massive cage of steel
or stiff fabric called crinoline worn under a skirt to keep it in shape.
this was perilous fashion. The hoop skirt was susceptible to wind
gusts; there are stories of women being swept out to sea, with the
crinoline acting as a sort of sail. There were other perils; they could
get caught in carriage wheels and were unwieldy indoors. Poet Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow's second wife knocked over a candle with her skirt
and went up in flames
In Chile in 1863, between two and three thousand people
died in a church fire when women in huge hoop skirts piled up in front
of the exit, making it impossible for anyone to get out.
corset was more like an instrument of torture than a fashion device.
Used as an artificial means of staving off a gym membership, the device
was made doubly unpleasant for the wearer if it was tight laced. Some
women suffered acutely for their artificial abs and a heaving bosom.
In fact in 1903, a Mrs Mary Halliday of Niagara Falls woman even died when two pieces of corset steel snapped and lodged in her heart.
mostly they just caused incredible discomfort, as can happen when your
liver is relocated somewhere behind your
collarbone for a few hours of high society.
The only wonder, for these dedicated followers of fashion, is that feminism took so long to arrive ...
The chopine was
a type of platform shoe popular during the Renaissance, used as a sort
of overshoe to protect a lady’s real shoes and dress from the mud and
ordure that littered the streets back in the day.
became particularly fashionable among the courtesans of Venice. They
were made of wood or cork and covered with brocade or velvet. But the
fashion got out of hand; shoes became a status symbol, would you
believe! The higher the heel, the further up the social ladder you were.
Some were over twenty inches high. A woman could literally tower over her competitors.
Women wearing chopines were often accompanied by a servant on whom they could lean; though the Italian dancing master Fabritio Caroso wrote that a proper
lady should be able to dance flourishes and galliards with them on.
Really? I would think it was like trying to dance a tango in stilts.
was the cosmetic of choice from the times of ancient Greece right up to
the twentieth century, I’m afraid. It gave the wearer a fetchingly pale
complexion but turned the blood culture into something you’d expect to
find at Chernobyl or Bhopal. It also damaged the skin; the only solution
was to put on more lead on it to cover it up.
Elizabeth I, looking suitably pale |
takes years to accumulate to a fatal dose. Victims literally pale into
insignificance. Meanwhile they put up with minor side effects like brain
damage, paralysis, insomnia, and curiously, a limp wrist.
The most celebrated death from lead poisoning is believed to be Elizabeth the First.
do the folk you see on the walls of ancient Egyptian walls wear so much
eye make up? Were they all trying to look like Kim Kardashian?
it just helps reduce glare. The Egyptians not only had to cope with the
bright desert sun but the pyramids and other public buildings were
originally covered in stark white limestone (you can only see this
veneer today at the very apex of the Giza pyramids) so every time they
went outside it was like walking into a row of searchlights.
But yes, it also looked great on Elizabeth Taylor. She just wore it to reduce the glare, too.
produced the so-called ‘lily’ feet or ‘lotus’ feet once common in
China. Women today may complain about high heels but this was probably
one of the cruellest forms of foot torture ever invented. What were they
thinking? Perhaps the Chinese saw what the Inquisition were doing in
Europe and felt envious.('We want a Spanish boot too! ... Only let's put
it on the women.)
Footbinding first became fashionable China in around the eighth century and persisted for almost a thousand years. Women were literally crippled by this custom.
noble woman in Imperial China with normal feet was practically
unmarriageable. (Only peasants had normal feet, because they needed to
get about in the fields and work. A real lady showed her status by
staggering around in agony or having someone carry her.)
still a small child a rich girl had her feet soaked in a bath of urine
and vinegar, then all the toes except the big one were folded under the
foot, and secured with tight bandages. This soaking and binding process
would continue throughout the girl’s childhood, with the result that the
feet never grew more than three inches long.
this disgusting procedure led to gangrene; this was considered a good
thing as the rotting toes would then fall off and cease being a
nuisance! The ideal of perfection was to have hardly any foot at all.
men loved women with lily feet, even though the feet themselves were
usually covered in silk slippers. And a good thing, too; under the
bandages they were often a rotting, scabrous mess and stank to high
heaven. One fashion trend we don’t want back.
That, and flares.
See Colin Falconer's latest novel, Anastasia, here,
and more history from Colin Falconer at
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From History and Women |
Post a Comment
Good thinking for the Egyptians! Perhaps they could integrate comfort with fashion better?
I had always heard of the foot binding, but I'd never seen a picture until now. I think my feet will forever burn after looking at that poor picture.
Great piece- loved it:)